Sunshine Unrestored
These raw historic pieces are discovered as options for customers to explore worthy options for digital restoration, printing, and framing. There is a restoration investment on top of the framed print. Contact us if there is something you like. After something for your street or area? Use our Research page to send your research request.

Sunshine Post Office 1917-30

Sunshine Harvester Cover.

H. V. McKay Sunshine Harvester Works, Sunshine 1925-40

1950-54 Aerial view of Sunshine Harvester Works Victoria

Newport to Sunshine Aerial. 1954 Sunshine area, Koroit Creek with bridge and sports field upper left and grid pattern of residential streets on right

1954 Aerial. Sunshine Station on left with train line bisecting centre of image, Crescent Furnishings just left of centre of image; Sunshine Technical School middle background

Aerial view of Sunshine looking towards Braybrook 1960s ($40 copyright fee is required)

Sunshine 1848 unloading bombs. H.V. McKay Massey Harris manufactured munitions and equipment for the Australian military during World War II. These workers are unloading unused mortar bombs for use as scrap metal (post-war) at the back of the Sunshine Harvester factory. Most likely now rusting gates and farming equipment scattered throughout Australia.

1950s To-day's map of Footscray, Sunshine, Albion, Deer Park, St. Albans

Portions marked in the parishes of Holden, Kororoit & Maribyrnong, County of Bourke 1854