Anglers Tavern Hotel Maribyrnong Unrestored
Key information
The area around the Maribyrnong Bridge was the focalpoint of the social life of the district, with open air pictures, two hotels and Hicks’ motor boats (the “River Queen”, “River Princess” and “River Countess”) which could each hold about forty passengers, and a few smaller craft, which journeyed along the river to the Tea Gardens. Of course, one must not forget the annual Henley on the Maribyrnong, with its greasy pole over the water (for a prize of a leg of mutton), decorated canoes carrying attractive young ladies who later competed for the title of “Queen of Henley); decorated House Boats (hired from “Henley on the Yarra” and the usual boat races. Henley on the Maribyrnong On the Maribyrnong side of the river was the popular Anglers Hotel (John Alves the Licensee), and further along Raleigh Road, Spong’s Hotel. The Anglers Hotel At the rear, and on the river front was a pottery owned by a Mr Len Inness and managed by Jim Connolly. It produced cups and saucers and heavy mugs for the World War I armed forces. Later it manufactured insulators to insulate electricity and telephone cables on the street poles. At present the building is used for making Rico oil filters for motor cars. Spong’s Hotel Malakoff Castle One must mention the Malakoff Castle (often referred to as The Haunted Castle) built by Joseph Raleigh as a lookout. Below the castle was a timber house surrounded by peppercorn trees. This house was occupied by Mr Warr (after whom Warr’s Road is named), and later by Rodger Bullen who had interests in cattle dealings. This area was later acquired by the Essendon Council as a quarry, recently sold for approximately $1,000,000. Further south from the castle with a river frontage was Humes Concrete Pipes Works. This, today, is one of the largest manufacturers of pipes in the Southern Hemisphere. Although these last mentioned establishments were not in the City of Essendon, they had a tremendous influence on Ascot Vale social life.
First section is a book that centres around Anglers location. All images available.
Photos of lcd screens are of images available from the historic society.

A book specifically on the Maribrynong River that seems to be central to the Anglers Tavern. All images in the book are available to us. The description page for each is next to it, see page numbers in bottom corners for reference.

sand mine

Image in book showing the local area with description of the link between the pub, river and tea rooms. Image available


In 1844, Joseph Raleigh, a wealthy farmer, built a mansion and stone church that became known as Malakoff Castle.


Elevated view of river with wooden bridge on left, small wooden building signed Anglers' Hotel on opposite bank, row boats at bank, paddocks and trees in background 1885




An amazing advertising poster for fundraiser of the Beautification of the Saltwater River. Which keylinks the bluestone edge installation photos. The photo seems to be a Henley parade in the Yarra River near Flinders photo (Yarra is wider) that would have closely resembled what they were hoping to achieve.

Screen photo of the Sand Mining Factory, just up from the Anglers. Sand was mined from this location for many years by the Maribyrnong Sand Company for use in the ceramic concrete and glass production factories further downstream. The Maribyrnong Sand Company was formed in the early years of the 20th century, and when commercial operations began, barges were used as the main form of transport. Somerville (pers comms) suggested that the sand from this site was used due to its purity, and was particularly favoured for producing optical equipment that was later patented and used by the Zeiss Optical Company.

Local Rowing Club, across the river

As seen in book

Rowing club

tram bridge installation

Pipe makers park. just down river a little bit. Still exists, also now a park and reservation area.

sand mine with barges

sand mine - different angle

flood photos

Henley on the Maribyrnong - wacky boats

Anglers 1870s early photo

Anglers Hotel, Saltwater River 1907 MVL

Boarding the Saltwater River tram that dropped you at the river for your River Cruise to the tea rooms

Fishing the Saltwater River 1865 Illustration

THE FIRST TRAM MOONEE POND official guests, tram workers, policemen and spectators standing on or around electric trams, on the occasion of their launch, Mt Alexander Road, Moonee Ponds. Privately operated, the trams ran from Flemington Bridge to either North Essendon or Saltwater River. Sir Henry Weedon, Mayor of Melbourne, seen on the tram in frock coat and bell topper. - 11.10.06

Illustration predating official Anglers Hotel - MELBOURNE REGATTA, ON THE SALTWATER RIVER 1863

Illustration predating official Anglers Hotel 1866 - ANGLING MATCH AT RALEIGH'S PUNT, SALTWATER RIVER

Maribyrnong Angler's Hotel 1870-90 MVL

Maribyrnong Bridge from tram terminus 1911. Anglers in background.

Maribyrnong River and Bridge 1900 MVL

Maribyrnong River Riverview Tea Gardens 1910-30

Maribyrnong River Riverview Tea House (Ship named PROGRESS) 1906-14

Maribyrnong River View from Riverview Tea Gardens 1910-30

Maribyrnong River, Maribyrnong 1910-30. It's believed that the small hut on the rivers edge on left is the outdoor cinema.

Recreation on the Maribyrnong River with a large crowd going onto boats from the Angler's Hotel 1907 MVL

Sketch of bridge on Maribyrnong Road crossing over to the Anglers' Tavern. This wooden structure was being demolished to make way for a concrete bridge, which was completed by 1911 MVL

Tea Room Ferry 1906-ca. 1914

The River and Maribyrnong Bridge from the Hill 1900 MVL

Maribyrnong River with Hotel in Brick 1910 - 2 shot panorama - 2

Maribyrnong River with Hotel in Brick 1910 - 2 shot panorama - 1

Maribyrnong River tram bridge replacement 1960s

Maribyrnong Bridge showing Anglers Hotel and Maribynong Bridge Hotel 1870-90s
Estate Sale - It shows the Anglers Hotel

Maribyrnong Park Estate (Maribyrnong Road, Navigator and Plantation Streets and The Esplanade), 1888
Land Maps

Cut Paw Paw Map showing Raleighs Land

Cut Paw Paw Map Land Maribyrnong Estate - Anglers on right-most point
Aerial Photo

Aerial showing surrounding area and Tavern 1960
Fish of the River
Fish in the River: Bream, Estuary Perch, Trevally, Mullet, Mulloway, Snapper
Recommended baits Maribyrnong River: yabbies, scrub worms, sandworms, maggots, mussels, prawns, pilchards
Currently working with the Australian Fishing Museum for more ads suitable for the river. View their current content to see if there is anything there you like:
Fish Illustrations
Could only find two historic fish breeds that are caught in the Saltwater River in the ideal vintage illustration style, Bream and Perch.

bream illustration 1864 1

bream illustration 1864 2

bream illustration 1864 3

Estuary Perch 1864 1

Estuary Perch 1864 2